Vote 6 on August 6, 2024! 
Democratic Primary for Lodi Township

Barry Wauldron for Supervisor
Eric John Roberts for Clerk
Steve Marsh for Trustee
Finn Roberts for Trustee
Alex Matelski for Trustee
Leslie Blackburn for Trustee


Clean Water

You deserve safe, clean drinking water. For too many in our area, this is not a given. We believe that water is a right and will fight to clean Lodi's drinking water and hold polluters accountable.

We'll build regional partnerships to do more water testing and help residents find tools to upgrade their water systems. Learn more about water testing offered by the Washtenaw County Conservation District.

We'll safeguard our environment by supporting Township-wide recycling.

We'll work to ensure developers and businesses protect Lodi Township's environment. Just north of Lodi Township, the communities of Scio Township, Ann Arbor, and Ann Arbor Township have been dealing with the fallout of the Gelman Sciences Dioxane Contamination for decades. We cannot sustain a system that allows corporate wrongdoers to destroy our land and water without consequence. Pollution and environmental loss affects all of us, regardless of municipal borders. We will join in the fight against environmental destruction.

We'll oppose unsound land development. In 2023, Lodi Township approved a project to build 107 homes after the Planning Commission recommended against the project for environmental concerns. We oppose land development that hurts Lodi Township's environment. This particular project is building around the Orchard Grove mobile home park, which already has problems with its water!

Clean Government

Transparent decision making is the cornerstone of American democracy. We will better inform the public and work alongside you, our neighbors, to make positive change for Lodi Township.

On the Lodi Township Board, Finn Roberts and Eric John Roberts will:

Increase communication to residents and incorporate your feedback in decisions. Scio Township has quarterly newsletters sent out to residents to share resources and updates on what their Board will soon be voting on. Lodi Township can do the same.

Record and stream public meetings. Lodi Township's Board already records these meetings but refuses to post them, only using them to detail the minutes. The public deserves full viewing access of what happens at the Township Board.

Publish FOIA responses. When anyone requests public records, the response is 100% public. We will implement best practices by putting all FOIA responses online for anyone to view.

Post public notices and meeting agendas online in a place easy to find. While Lodi Township has a website, you won't find on it important public notices about board meetings, elections, etc. Instead, the "notices" link will take you to Sun Times News and maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to find what your Township is up to. Transparent government means posting these notices online where residents can find them.

Create a flexible and understandable zoning plan. Residents and business leaders have told us that any time a zoning permit is needed, the Board shrugs and tells them to read the Zoning Ordinance. When residents cannot understand which rules apply to them, they are met with anger and frustration by the Township Board. We can do better. We can make zoning more understandable and at least help residents when they come into the office.

Open applications for Township boards and committees. The Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Board of Review are all public bodies directly appointed by the Lodi Township Board. The Board also appoints a handful of seats to other public bodies. Having worked in local government before, Eric John Roberts asked how long these terms are and when the application period begins. He was met with "we're full" because this Board does not even try to get new applicants or allow folks they don't know to participate.

Ensure all Township boards and committees follow the Open Meetings Act. Right now, MI law allows committees created by public bodies to meet in secret if they are only recommending actions to the Township Board. We know that these recommendations often carry significant weight with local elected officials, so our community should have a right to be involved even at the "recommendation" stage. We'll do this by providing training and guidance to all appointed board and committee members and inviting the public to attend.

Charting a New Course

Our campaign is about making a difference in the lives of Lodi Township residents. 

If you believe in cooperation, a sustainable planet, and a democracy that works for you, 


Paid for by "Friends of Eric Roberts" and "Friends of Finn Roberts" 
P.O. Box 82, Saline, MI 48176

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